The Best Door Locker for Your Refrigerator and Door

The Best Door Locker for Your Refrigerator

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People spend a lot of time, energy, and money on making their valuable assets safe and secure. They keep jewelry in bank lockers, they take out burglary insurance and they install different kinds of alarms and protective devices in their houses. But often there are less valuable things you need to protect even after installing the best door locker, and one such thing is your refrigerator.

Depending on where it has been placed, your refrigerator might be under attack from your family members (at home), your work colleagues (in your office), your neighbors or even the neighborhood kids if your refrigerator is kept in your garage or outdoors. There might be medications or food kept in a refrigerator which shouldn’t be tampered with by anyone.

Easy to Lock and Unlock

If you are one of those whose refrigerator is under threat in any of the above ways or in other ways, then you would need a robust way to ensure that your refrigerator and its contents are not accessible to anyone except you. We spoke to a lot of people and got a number of suggestions and ideas. And then went through some product reviews of simple and complicated gadgets that were being used to keep refrigerators well protected, in our endeavor to find the best door locker.

We realized that there were not too many devices that could claim the perfect combination of convenience and security. Those that were easy to install and use were usually most susceptible to failure. On the other hand, those gadgets that were more effective were usually too much work to install and use, which is why the adoption rate was low.

There was one product which scored high on both the counts of convenience and effectiveness. Let us do a detailed review of this product which was, in our view, the best door locker.

Review of the CSP Refrigerator Door Lock with Padlock

This product is brought to you by a manufacturer called Computer Security Products, but for now, we are interested in what security they provide to refrigerators. This product is sold by 5 Star North and it is fulfilled by Amazon. A series of tests have proven that their product is 5 times stronger than the best door locker one could find in the market.

The best thing about this strength is that it does not come at the cost of unsightly drilling or other invasive procedures carried out on the body of the fridge. It uses the principle of adhesives only to impart great strength.

Brand 4130 Solid Brass Keyed Padlock

The principle on which this device works is that it uses two small plates on either side of a refrigerator and then gets them to stick to the refrigerator’s body with the help of a special adhesive. On these two plates, two rods are then fixed, through which a padlock is inserted and locked. The structure of the two arms and the pads is such that it is meant for use on single door refrigerators, but won’t work on large refrigerators which have doors side by side.

Let us look at the plates now. They both are black in color, and they are black vinyl coated. They have black aircraft cables. At their base, they have the best vibe adhesive tapes coated and attached. The glue behind the plates is so strong that it can even stick to other materials like Gorilla tape.

Very Easy To Install

It is also able to withstand the elements, in case the fridge is kept outdoors. In case the adhesive and the metal are separated, then the power would reduce. If the pads become slightly loose over a period of time with regular use, then a fresh coat of 3M VHB adhesive can be easily applied.

In case you are using an older fridge, make sure that the surface of the fridge is polished so that the glue can hold well. We saw that it worked well with the usual metallic surface of refrigerators, and also on transparent glass doors. But the performance goes down with plastic surfaces. Some users also used it on ovens and the plates and glue were found to be able to withstand heat up to 200 degrees Fahrenheit.

These were some common uses this fridge Best Door locker was put to:

• School refrigerators

• Outdoor refrigerators

• Hospital refrigerators to store prescription medicines

• Any doors which would need to comply with HIPAA requirements

• File drawers in best door locker

• Printer trays (which have paper)

Along with these contraptions, this device also includes a 30 mm keyed alike 30 mm padlock from the popular brand Master Lock. The width of the lock is 1 1/8”. The shackle diameter is 3/16”. The overall price of this combination (including the padlock) is almost $30, but it is being offered at less than $20, which means a savings of a third of the price. If you order for more than $25, then your shipping is free.

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This product weighs just 7 ounces at the time of packing and has very convenient dimensions of 12.8 inches x 45.3 inches x 23.6 inches. Some users wanted more color options. But so far this comes only in black, which does jar a bit when placed on the shiny metallic colors of most refrigerators.


• Very simple to install

• The padlock that comes with the product is of high quality

• The very strong glue which is not possible for miscreants to dislodge

• Keeps medicines safe at health care facilities

• Protects beverages and food from being taken without authorization

• Glue can be recoated after long use

• Lifetime warranty provided

• Attractive discounts on shipping

• No need to drill or otherwise deface the surfaces of the refrigerator


• The high strength of the glue used can sometimes become a problem if the user plans to take off the device later. That is why users install this only if they are very sure it will be used forever.

• A few more colors matching to the usual metallic colors would have been welcome. As of now, only black is available in this product.

About the author

Cristina Williams

I am Cristina Williams an expert for home security system. I research the different market place and read customer reviews to make a perfect product guide. I believe that a good product review can help you take a good decision because every man tries to buy a perfect product for him. one of the best for you.